Previous Rules

461-155-0575    Effective 10/01/13
Special Need; In-home Supplement; OSIPM

In the OSIPM program:

  1. The Department may provide a monthly supplementary payment for a client who meets the requirements of all of the following subsections:

    1. The client must receive SSI as his or her only source of income.

    2. The client must receive home and community-based care (see OAR 461-001-0030) in-home services or State Plan Personal Care Services authorized under chapter 411, division 034 of Oregon Administrative Rules.

  2. An eligible client (under section (1) of this rule) receives a $15 monthly payment. The payment is considered reimbursement for uncovered assistance needs.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.083, 411.404, 411.704, 411.706

461-155-0575    Temporary Effective 08/01/13 through 09/30/13
Special Need; In-home Supplement; OSIPM

In the OSIPM program:

  1. The Department may provide a monthly supplementary payment for a client who meets the requirements of all of the following subsections:

    1. The client must receive SSI as his or her only source of income.

    2. The client must receive home and community-based care (see OAR 461-001-0030) in-home services or State Plan Personal Care Services authorized under chapter 411, division 034 of Oregon Administrative Rules.

  2. An eligible client (under section (1) of this rule) receives a $30 monthly payment through August 31, 2013. Effective September 1, 2013 the monthly payment will be $15. The payment is considered reimbursement for uncovered assistance needs.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 409.050, 410.070, 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706
Stats. Implemented: ORS 409.010, 410.070, 411.060, 411.070, 411.083, 411.404, 411.704, 411.706

461-155-0575    Temporary Effective 07/01/13 through 07/31/13
Special Need; In-home Supplement; OSIPM

In the OSIPM program:

  1. The Department may provide a monthly supplementary payment for a client who meets the requirements of all of the following subsections:

    1. The client must receive SSI as his or her only source of income.

    2. The client must receive home and community-based care (see OAR 461-001-0030) in-home services or State Plan Personal Care Services authorized under chapter 411, division 034 of Oregon Administrative Rules.

  2. An eligible client (under section (1) of this rule) receives a $30 monthly payment. The payment is considered reimbursement for uncovered assistance needs.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.083, 411.404, 411.704, 411.706

461-155-0575    Effective 04/01/13
Special Need; In-home Supplement; OSIPM

In the OSIPM program:

  1. The Department may provide a monthly supplementary payment for a client who meets the requirements of all of the following subsections:

    1. The client must receive SSI as his or her only source of income.

    2. The client must receive in-home services authorized by:

      1. The Independent Choices Program (covered under the State Medicaid Plan);

      2. A 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Service Waiver; or

      3. State Plan Personal Care Services authorized under chapter 411, division 034 of Oregon Administrative Rules.

  2. An eligible client (under section (1) of this rule) receives a $30 monthly payment. The payment is considered reimbursement for uncovered assistance needs.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.083, 411.404, 411.704, 411.706

461-155-0575    Temporary Effective 11/01/12 through 03/31/13
Special Need; In-home Supplement; OSIPM

In the OSIPM program:

  1. The Department may provide a monthly supplementary payment for a client who meets the requirements of all of the following subsections:

    1. The client must receive SSI as his or her only source of income.

    2. The client must receive in-home services authorized by:

      1. The Independent Choices Program (covered under the State Medicaid Plan);

      2. A 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Service Waiver; or

      3. State Plan Personal Care Services authorized under chapter 411, division 034 of Oregon Administrative Rules.

  2. An eligible client (under section (1) of this rule) receives a $30 monthly payment. The payment is considered reimbursement for uncovered assistance needs.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.083, 411.404, 411.704, 411.706

461-155-0575    Effective 12/01/11
Special Need; In-home Supplement; OSIPM

In the OSIPM program:

  1. The Department may provide a monthly supplementary payment for a client who meets the requirements of all of the following subsections:

    1. The client must receive SSI as his or her only source of income.

    2. The client must receive in-home services authorized by:

      1. The Independent Choices Program (covered under the State Medicaid Plan);

      2. A 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Service Waiver; or

      3. State Plan Personal Care Services authorized under chapter 411, division 034 of Oregon Administrative Rules.

  2. The amount and duration of payments authorized under this rule are subject to availability of funding as determined by the Department and are considered reimbursement for uncovered assistance needs.

  3. All eligible clients will receive the same monthly payment amount.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.083, 411.404, 411.704, 411.706

461-155-0575    Temporary Effective 07/15/11 through 11/30/11
Special Need; In-home Supplement; OSIPM

In the OSIPM program, payments authorized under this rule are suspended effective August 1, 2011; current payments end on July 31, 2011; and no payments will be authorized after July 31, 2011. Except as provided above:

  1. The Department may provide a monthly supplementary payment for a client who meets the requirements of all of the following subsections:

    1. The client must receive SSI as his or her only source of income.

    2. The client must receive in-home services authorized by:

      1. The Independent Choices Program (covered under the State Medicaid Plan);

      2. A 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Service Waiver; or

      3. State Plan Personal Care Services authorized under chapter 411, division 034 of Oregon Administrative Rules.

  2. The amount and duration of payments authorized under this rule are subject to availability of funding as determined by the Department and are considered reimbursement for uncovered assistance needs.

  3. All eligible clients will receive the same monthly payment amount.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.083, 411.404, 411.704, 411.706

461-155-0575    Effective 7/01/11
Special Need; In-home Supplement; OSIPM

In the OSIPM program:

  1. The Department may provide a monthly supplementary payment for a client who meets the requirements of all of the following subsections:

    1. The client must receive SSI as his or her only source of income.

    2. The client must receive in-home services authorized by:

      1. The Independent Choices Program (covered under the State Medicaid Plan);

      2. A 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Service Waiver; or

      3. State Plan Personal Care Services authorized under chapter 411, division 034 of Oregon Administrative Rules.

  2. The amount and duration of payments authorized under this rule are subject to availability of funding as determined by the Department and are considered reimbursement for uncovered assistance needs.

  3. All eligible clients will receive the same monthly payment amount.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.083, 411.404, 411.704, 411.706

461-155-0575    Temporary Effective 04/01/11 through 06/30/11
Special Need; In-home Supplement; OSIPM

In the OSIPM program:

  1. The Department may provide a monthly supplementary payment for a client who meets the requirements of all of the following subsections:

    1. The client must receive SSI as his or her only source of income.

    2. The client must receive in-home services authorized by:

      1. The Independent Choices Program (covered under the State Medicaid Plan);

      2. A 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Service Waiver; or

      3. State Plan Personal Care Services authorized under chapter 411, division 034 of Oregon Administrative Rules.

  2. The amount and duration of payments authorized under this rule are subject to availability of funding as determined by the Department and are considered reimbursement for uncovered assistance needs.

  3. All eligible clients will receive the same monthly payment amount.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.083, 411.404, 411.704, 411.706