461-155-0580 Effective 09/01/16
Special Need; Laundry Allowances
- OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI or home and community-based care (see OAR 461-001-0030) or have adjusted income less than the OSIPM program income standard under OAR 461-155-0250 are eligible for a laundry allowance if they have proven, excessive, coin-operated laundry facility costs and do not:
- Have their own laundry facilities; or
- Reside in an adult foster care home, assisted living facility, nursing facility, residential care facility, or specialized living facility, unless the specialized living facility is apartment based.
- This allowance may not exceed the amount required to wash and dry the laundry.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.706
461-155-0580 Temporary Effective 07/01/16 through 08/31/16
Special Need; Laundry Allowances
- OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI or home and community-based care (see OAR 461-001-0030) or have adjusted income less than the OSIPM program income standard under OAR 461-155-0250 are eligible for a laundry allowance if they have proven, excessive, coin-operated laundry facility costs and do not:
- Have their own laundry facilities; or
- Reside in an adult foster care home, assisted living facility, nursing facility, residential care facility, or specialized living facility, unless the specialized living facility is apartment based.
- This allowance may not exceed the amount required to wash and dry the laundry.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.706
461-155-0580 Effective 10/01/13
Special Need; Laundry Allowances
- OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI or home and community-based care (see OAR 461-001-0030) or have adjusted income less than the OSIPM program income standard under OAR 461-155-0250, and GA and GAM clients, are eligible for a laundry allowance if they have proven, excessive, coin-operated laundry facility costs and do not:
- Have their own laundry facilities; or
- Reside in an adult foster care home, assisted living facility, nursing facility, residential care facility, or specialized living facility, unless the specialized living facility is apartment based.
- This allowance may not exceed the amount required to wash and dry the laundry.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.706
461-155-0580 Temporary Effective 07/01/13 through 09/30/13
Special Need; Laundry Allowances
- OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI or home and community-based care (see OAR 461-001-0030) or have adjusted income less than the OSIPM program income standard under OAR 461-155-0250, and GA and GAM clients, are eligible for a laundry allowance if they have proven, excessive, coin-operated laundry facility costs and do not:
- Have their own laundry facilities; or
- Reside in an adult foster care home, assisted living facility, nursing facility, residential care facility, or specialized living facility, unless the specialized living facility is apartment based.
- This allowance may not exceed the amount required to wash and dry the laundry.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.706
461-155-0580 Effective 01/01/10
Special Need; Laundry Allowances
- OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI or waivered services or have adjusted income less than the OSIPM program income standard under OAR 461-155-0250, and GA and GAM clients, are eligible for a laundry allowance if they have proven, excessive, coin-operated laundry facility costs and do not:
- Have their own laundry facilities; or
- Reside in an adult foster care home, assisted living facility, nursing facility, residential care facility, or specialized living facility, unless the specialized living facility is apartment based.
- This allowance may not exceed the amount required to wash and dry the laundry.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.706
Special Need; Laundry Allowances
- OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI or waivered services, and GA and GAM clients, are eligible for a laundry allowance if they have proven, excessive, coin-operated laundry facility costs and do not:
- Have their own laundry facilities; OR
- Reside in nursing facilities, Residential Care Facilities, Adult Foster Homes, Specialized Living Facilities, unless the Specialized Living Facility is apartment based, or Assisted Living Facilities.
- This allowance will not exceed an amount required to wash and dry the laundry.