Previous Rules

461-155-0620    Effective 09/01/16
Special Need; Property Taxes

  1. OSIP and OSIPM clients who are homeowners or buyers are allowed a special need of one year of delinquent real property taxes, penalties and interest, if needed to prevent imminent foreclosure.

  2. Clients who are eligible for the Oregon Property Tax Deferral Program must opt to defer property taxes. If necessary, the state may provide payment for back property taxes, to bring the tax current, to allow clients to defer their ongoing property taxes.

  3. Clients who have not chosen to defer their property taxes, and have failed to pay their property taxes, will not receive a property tax special need payment unless the exception is authorized by the Department's Estates Administration Unit. The exception will be based on the value of the property, the potential of foreclosure and the potential of an Estates Administration Unit recovery of such property.

  4. Imminent foreclosure is indicated by a formal notice of foreclosure.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706, 411.710
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706, 411.710

461-155-0620    Temporary Effective 07/01/16 through 08/31/16
Special Need; Property Taxes

  1. OSIP and OSIPM clients who are homeowners or buyers are allowed a special need of one year of delinquent real property taxes, penalties and interest, if needed to prevent imminent foreclosure.

  2. Clients who are eligible for the Oregon Property Tax Deferral Program must opt to defer property taxes. If necessary, the state may provide payment for back property taxes, to bring the tax current, to allow clients to defer their ongoing property taxes.

  3. Clients who have not chosen to defer their property taxes, and have failed to pay their property taxes, will not receive a property tax special need payment unless the exception is authorized by the Department's Estates Administration Unit. The exception will be based on the value of the property, the potential of foreclosure and the potential of an Estates Administration Unit recovery of such property.

  4. Imminent foreclosure is indicated by a formal notice of foreclosure.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706, 411.710
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706, 411.710

461-155-0620    Effective 01/27/11 - Technical Amendment
Special Need; Property Taxes

  1. GA, OSIP, and OSIPM clients who are homeowners or buyers are allowed a special need of one year of delinquent real property taxes, penalties and interest, if needed to prevent imminent foreclosure.

  2. Clients who are eligible for the Oregon Property Tax Deferral Program must opt to defer property taxes. If necessary, the state may provide payment for back property taxes, to bring the tax current, to allow clients to defer their ongoing property taxes.

  3. Clients who have not chosen to defer their property taxes, and have failed to pay their property taxes, will not receive a property tax special need payment unless the exception is authorized by the Department's Estates Administration Unit. The exception will be based on the value of the property, the potential of foreclosure and the potential of an Estates Administration Unit recovery of such property.

  4. Imminent foreclosure is indicated by a formal notice of foreclosure.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706, 411.710
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.070, 411.404, 411.706, 411.710

Special Need; Property Taxes

  1. GA, OSIP, and OSIPM clients who are homeowners or buyers are allowed a special need of one year of delinquent real property taxes, penalties and interest, if needed to prevent imminent foreclosure.

  2. Clients who are eligible for the Oregon Property Tax Deferral Program must opt to defer property taxes. If necessary, the state may provide payment for back property taxes, to bring the tax current, to allow clients to defer their ongoing property taxes.

  3. Clients who have not chosen to defer their property taxes, and have failed to pay their property taxes, will not receive a property tax special need payment unless the exception is authorized by the Division's Estates Administration Unit. The exception will be based on the value of the property, the potential of foreclosure and the potential of an Estates Administration Unit recovery of such property.

  4. Imminent foreclosure is indicated by a formal notice of foreclosure.