Previous Rules

461-155-0640    Effective 09/01/16
Special Need; Restaurant Meals

  1. To receive the restaurant meals special need payment, OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI, home and community-based care (see OAR 461-001-0030), or have adjusted income less than the OSIPM program income standard under OAR 461-155-0250 must have proven medical and nutritional needs that cannot be met with meals purchased with SNAP program benefits.

  2. A client living in his or her own home who is unable to prepare his or her own meals, but is eligible for SNAP program benefits, may have his or her meals prepared by attendants that volunteer or are compensated by the Seniors and People with Disabilities Division In-Home Services program. A client also may receive, if eligible, Meals on Wheels services to supplement his or her diet.

  3. The payment standard for restaurant meals is $60 per month.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.706

461-155-0640    Temporary Effective 07/01/16 through 08/31/16
Special Need; Restaurant Meals

  1. To receive the restaurant meals special need payment, OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI, home and community-based care (see OAR 461-001-0030), or have adjusted income less than the OSIPM program income standard under OAR 461-155-0250 must have proven medical and nutritional needs that cannot be met with meals purchased with SNAP program benefits.

  2. A client living in his or her own home who is unable to prepare his or her own meals, but is eligible for SNAP program benefits, may have his or her meals prepared by attendants that volunteer or are compensated by the Seniors and People with Disabilities Division In-Home Services program. A client also may receive, if eligible, Meals on Wheels services to supplement his or her diet.

  3. The payment standard for restaurant meals is $60 per month.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.706

461-155-0640    Temporary Effective 07/01/16 through 08/31/16
Special Need; Restaurant Meals

  1. To receive the restaurant meals special need payment, OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI, home and community-based care (see OAR 461-001-0030), or have adjusted income less than the OSIPM program income standard under OAR 461-155-0250 must have proven medical and nutritional needs that cannot be met with meals purchased with SNAP program benefits.

  2. A client living in his or her own home who is unable to prepare his or her own meals, but is eligible for SNAP program benefits, may have his or her meals prepared by attendants that volunteer or are compensated by the Seniors and People with Disabilities Division In-Home Services program. A client also may receive, if eligible, Meals on Wheels services to supplement his or her diet.

  3. The payment standard for restaurant meals is $60 per month.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.706

461-155-0640    Effective 10/01/13
Special Need; Restaurant Meals

  1. To receive the restaurant meals special need payment, OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI, home and community-based care (see OAR 461-001-0030), or have adjusted income less than the OSIPM program income standard under OAR 461-155-0250 -- and GA and GAM clients -- must have proven medical and nutritional needs that cannot be met with meals purchased with SNAP program benefits.

  2. A client living in his or her own home who is unable to prepare his or her own meals, but is eligible for SNAP program benefits, may have his or her meals prepared by attendants that volunteer or are compensated by the Seniors and People with Disabilities Division In-Home Services program. A client also may receive, if eligible, Meals on Wheels services to supplement his or her diet.

  3. The payment standard for restaurant meals is $60 per month.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.706

461-155-0640    Temporary Effective 07/01/13 through 09/30/13
Special Need; Restaurant Meals

  1. To receive the restaurant meals special need payment, OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI, home and community-based care (see OAR 461-001-0030), or have adjusted income less than the OSIPM program income standard under OAR 461-155-0250 -- and GA and GAM clients -- must have proven medical and nutritional needs that cannot be met with meals purchased with SNAP program benefits.

  2. A client living in his or her own home who is unable to prepare his or her own meals, but is eligible for SNAP program benefits, may have his or her meals prepared by attendants that volunteer or are compensated by the Seniors and People with Disabilities Division In-Home Services program. A client also may receive, if eligible, Meals on Wheels services to supplement his or her diet.

  3. The payment standard for restaurant meals is $60 per month.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.706

461-155-0640    Effective 01/01/10
Special Need; Restaurant Meals

  1. To receive the restaurant meals special need payment, OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI or waivered services or have adjusted income less than the OSIPM program income standard under OAR 461-155-0250, and GA and GAM clients, must have proven medical and nutritional needs that cannot be met with meals purchased with SNAP program benefits.

  2. A client living in his or her own home who is unable to prepare his or her own meals, but is eligible for SNAP program benefits, may have his or her meals prepared by attendants that volunteer or are compensated by the Seniors and People with Disabilities Division In-Home Services program. A client also may receive, if eligible, Meals on Wheels services to supplement his or her diet.

  3. The payment standard for restaurant meals is $60 per month.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060, 411.706

461-155-0640    Effective 01/01/08 - Technical Amendment
Special Need; Restaurant Meals

  1. To receive the restaurant meals special need, OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI or waivered services and GA and GAM clients, must have proven medical and nutritional needs that cannot be met with meals purchased with food stamps.

  2. Clients living in their own homes who are unable to prepare their own meals, but are eligible for FS, may have their meals prepared by attendants that volunteer or are compensated by the Seniors and People with Disabilities Division In-Home Services program. Clients may also receive, if eligible, Meals on Wheels services to supplement their diet.

  3. The payment standard for restaurant meals is $60 per month.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 411.060
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060

Special Need; Restaurant Meals

  1. To receive the restaurant meals special need, OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI or waivered services and GA and GAM clients, must have proven medical and nutritional needs that cannot be met with meals purchased with food stamps.

  2. Clients living in their own homes who are unable to prepare their own meals, but are eligible for FS, may have their meals prepared by attendants that volunteer or are compensated by the SDSD In-Home Services program. Clients may also receive, if eligible, Meals on Wheels services to supplement their diet.

  3. The payment standard for restaurant meals is $60 per month.

Stat. Auth: ORS 411.060
Stats. Implemented: ORS 411.060

Special Need; Restaurant Meals

  1. To receive the restaurant meals special need, OSIP and OSIPM clients who are receiving SSI or waivered services and GA and GAM clients, must have proven medical and nutritional needs that cannot be met with meals purchased with food stamps.

  2. Clients living in their own homes who are unable to prepare their own meals, but are eligible for FS, may have their meals prepared by attendants that volunteer or are compensated by the SDSD In-Home Services program. Clients may also receive, if eligible, Meals on Wheels services to supplement their diet.

  3. The payment standard for restaurant meals is $60 per month.